We are very pleased to invite you to attend the 6th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition (EWEN) that will be held in Lisbon, from the 20th to the 22nd of June 2012, at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Technical University of Lisbon.
The 6th EWEN is placed under the umbrella of the Horse Commission of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP) as a satellite of the annual meeting of EAAP. Its scientific programme was established by an International Scientific Committee (Nutrition Working Group) in coordination with the National Committee. The organisation of the meeting in Portugal will be assured by the National Committee.

Dear participants,
Welcome to the Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – Technical University of Lisbon).
It is with a great pleasure and honour that our Faculty is, in 2012, the host institution for such an important event as the EWEN workshop on horse feeding and nutrition, subject well recognized as one of the most important factors in horse welfare, health and performance.
FMV is the oldest of the seven Faculties/Institutes integrating the Technical University of Lisbon, promoting veterinary sciences teaching since 1830. The veterinary training at FMV was evaluated and approved twice by the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) and is the sole institution in Portugal with this status.
Horses are certainly one of our focuses. Students, breeders and owners increasingly require more knowledge and training and an event such as EWEN, bringing to us some of the best scientists, techniques and professionals of this area, is certainly an excellent opportunity to learn, to exchange ideas and to perspective the future.
Besides, Lisbon has been recently recognized as Europe’s Leading Destination, not only because it is a wonderful city, with a very pleasant weather, where the sun shines a lot, but also due to our gastronomy, excellent wines and above all to the Portuguese traditional hospitality. All these attributes combine to create an outstanding atmosphere for people to exchange experiences, make acquaintances and promote science.
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Lisbon and our Faculty are eager to welcome you to the EWEN Congress 2012!
I hope to see you in Lisbon.
Yours sincerely
Luís Tavares
Dean of the Faculty

All photos © Rita Fernandes. No use allowed without permission.
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